Iesu Iesu 'rwyt ti'n ddigon
Iesu Iesu 'rwyt yn ddigon
Iesu Iesu wyt yn ddigon

1,2,3,4;  1,3,(4);  1,3,5;  1,3,6,((7),8);  1,4,9.
Iesu, Iesu, 'rwyt ti'n ddigon,
  'Rwyt ti'n llawer mwy na'r byd;
Mwy trysorau sy'n dy enw
  Na thrysorau'r India i gyd:
    Oll yn gyfan
  Ddaeth i'm meddiant gyda'm Duw.

Gwyn a gwridog yw fy Arglwydd,
  Gwyn a gwridog yw ei wedd;
Brenin y brenhinoedd ydyw
  Yma a thu draw i'r bedd;
    Mae dy degwch
  Wedi f'ennill ar dy ôl.

Y mae gwedd dy wyneb grasol
  Yn rhagori llawer iawn
Ar bob peth a welodd llygad
  Ar hyd wyneb daear lawn:
    Rhosyn Saron
  Ti yw tegwch nef y nef.

Mae dy enw mor ardderchog,
  Fel, yn ngrym y storom gref,
Llaesa'r gwyntoedd, llaesa'r tònau
  Dim ond imi ei enwi Ef;
    Noddfa gadarn
  Yw yn eithaf grym y dŵr.

Mi ddymunwn weld yn rhwygo
  Holl gymylau mawr y nef
I bechadur weled gronyn
  O'i ogoniant hyfryd Ef;
    O! datguddia
  Degwch gwedd
      dy wyneb-pryd.

Tarian gadarn yw dy enw;
  Pan bo'r gelyn yn nesau,
Angeu'i hunan sydd yn ofni -
  Angeu sydd yn llwfrhau;
    Ti orchfygaist;
  'Does ond canu'n awr i mi.

Nis gall f'enaid er ei gyrhaedd,
  Fyth i geisio cyrhaedd mwy
Nag sydd wedi ei roi yn nghadw,
  Yn y dwyfol, farwol glwy';
    Cariad, cariad,
  Nad oes dyfnder iddo'n bod.

Dyma'r tlawd a gyfoethogwyd,
  A'r carcharor wnaed yn rhydd,
Ddoe oedd yn y pydew obry,
  Heddyw yma'n canu'n rhydd;
    Nid oes genyf
  Ddim ond diolch tra fwy' byw.

Rhyfedd, Arglwydd, yw'th drugaredd!
  Rhyfedd, Arglwydd, yw dy rym!
Nid oes yn y nef na'r ddaear
  A all dy wrthsefyll ddim:
    Try'r gre'digaeth, &c.
  Ol a gwrthol wrth dy air.
'Rwyt ti'n llawer :: Wyt yn llawer
Mae dy enw :: Mae ei enw

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Alleluia Dulce Carmen (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1921)
Caersalem (Robert Edwards 1796-1862)
Calfari (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Catherine (David Roberts 1820-72)
Dwyfor (alaw Eidalaidd)
Ederynion/Edeyrnion (hen alaw Gymreig)
Lewes (John Randall 1717-99)
Lausanne (Caesar Malan 1787-1864)
Llwynbedw (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)
  Penllech (<1835)
Petersburg (alaw Rwsiaidd)
Talwrn (A George)
Verona (alaw Eidalaidd)

  Arglwydd grasol dyro gymhorth
  Boed fy mywyd oll yn ddiolch
  Cymer Iesu fi fel 'r ydwyf
  Gwyn a gwridog yw fy Arglwydd
  Mae deng myrddiwn o rinweddau
  Mae dy enw mor ardderchog
  Mae gelynion i mi'n chwerw
  Mi ddymunwn wel'd yn rhwygo
  Nid oes bleser nid oes degan
  O gwasgerwch dew gymylau
  Rhwng cymylau duon tywyll

Jesus, Jesus, thou art sufficient,
  Thou art fuller than the world;
More treasures are in thy name
  Than all the treasures of India:
    All completely
  Comes into my possession with my God.

Fair and ruddy is my Lord,
  Fair and ruddy is his countenance
King of the kings is he
  Here and on yonder side of the grave;
    Thy fairness
  Has won me back to thee.

The countenance of thy gracious face is
  Much better by far
Than everything which my eyes see
  Across the face of earth below:
    Rose of Sharon
  Thou art fairer heaven of heaven.

Thy name is so excellent,
  That, in the strong storm,
It slackens the winds, relaxes the waves
  If I but name It;
    Strong refuge
  It is in the extreme force of the water.

I would wish to see torn
  All the large clouds of heaven
For a sinner to see a grain
  Of His delightful glory;
    O reveal
  The fairness of the countenance
      of thy face!

A strong shield is thy name;
  whenever the enemy draws near,
Death itself is fearing -
  Death is losing heart;
    Thou didst overcome;
  There is nothing but singing now for me.

My soul cannot despite its obtaining,
  Ever try to obtain more
Than has been put in safe keeping,
  In the divine, mortal wound;
    Love, love,
  To which there is no bottom.

Here is the poor one who was made rich,
  And the prisoner made free,
Who yesterday was in the pit below,
  Today here singing freely;
    I have nothing
  But thanks as long as I live.

Wonderful, Lord, is thy mercy!
  Wonderful, Lord, is thy force!
There is nothing in heaven or the earth
  That can withstand thee at all:
    Creation turns, &c.
  Back and forth at thy word.
Thy name is :: His name is

tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion

Jesus - thou my only pleasure,
  Naught like thee this world contains;
In thy name is greater treasure,
  Than in India's golden plains;
    And this treasure,
   Jesus' love for me obtains.

Jesus, lovely is the aspect
  Of thy gracious face divine;
Eye hath seen no fairer object,
  On this beauteous world of thine,
    Rose of Sharon,
  Heaven's glories
    in thee shine.

Jesus, shield from sin's dark errors,
  Name which every foe o'ercomes;
Death, the dreaded king of terrors,
  Death itself to thee succumbs.
    Thou hast conquered,
  Joyful praise my soul becomes.

Oh, my God! how rich Thy mercy!
  Oh, my the power of Thy grace!
All the power of hell and heaven
  Will not stand before Thy face.
    All creation, etc.,
  Come and go at Thy command.


1,2,6: tr. ed. 1873 John Jenkins
8: tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [878747]: Verona (Italian air)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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